The Newton County Recreation Commission and the Covington Rotary Club have taken on a massive project — the building of a new sports complex in the county. The complex will contain the "Miracle Field," which is a baseball diamond built specifically to handle the needs of our handicapped children who live in the county.
This project is estimated to cost more than $1 million dollars to construct.
Efforts are under way to raise as much money as possible from community fund raisers and activities. Recently, the Rotary gave $3,000 to the cause; the money was raised during the recent Remembering Lewis Grizzard Festival weekend.
On May 8, a one-day World Leadership Conference will be held at the World Congress Center in Atlanta. The cost to attend the Atlanta conference is $175.
Among the people speaking are Tony Blair, Jack Nicklaus and Al Weiss from the Disney organization.
If you wish to be inspired, you can choose to fight the traffic on your drive to Atlanta, spend $20 to find good parking, spend another $20 for lunch and suffer through the expected crowds. Or, you do the wise thing and pay $75 for entry, have free parking, drive a few miles and be provided lunch by a local fast food restaurant. In the latter process you would be supporting our community by watching the same program on a live simulcast.
Our suggestion seems like a no-brainer to us.
For more information on this event call Tommy Hailey, the Director of Newton County Parks and Recreation, he can be reached at (770) 787-7145.
This program promises to be a great motivator, especially for small business people.