Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship was established under the supervision of former Gov. Zell Miller in 1993. It was and still is funded by the Georgia Lottery.
Since its creation 17 years ago, more than 900,000 students have been helped in their pursuit of higher education in Georgia.
Over the last couple of years the benefits envisioned for this scholarship have decreased.
According to a report in the AJC, this year our wolf-in-lamb’s-clothing, pretend-Republican Gov. Sonny Purdue, has tried to slip a $34 million cut from the scholarship fund in his budget proposal in order to shore up in other areas of the budget. Fortunately, some of our legislators detected this maneuver and plan to fight against the governor’s intentions.
We urge our own representatives, Doug Holt and Toney Collins as well as Sen. John Douglas, to contest this sneaky attack on Georgia’s children — those who strive to be eligible to obtain the scholarship that will allow them to go to the higher institution of their choice as long as they remain in the state.
Gov. Perdue, this just might be your most despicable act yet as a politician. The quality of education in Georgia is the most important key to our state’s future. We hope our representatives have the courage to quell this assault on Georgia’s students and future vitality.