This tradition coupled with the fact the economy itself has been slow for the past year, could spell disaster for our local merchants.
For the next two months, it is the time for all of our local residents to think twice before they go out of the area to buy something.
You can purchase any summer product you might need right here in our community - you don't have to order online, you don't have to drive to Atlanta; you can stop by one of our local merchants and get to know their names, and you probably will be surprised at the quality of price and service you will get by buying right here at home.
Recently, we dodged a real financial bullet as both the county and the Newton County Board of Education did not raise our taxes to meet their budget shortfalls.
If you buy local, the taxes you pay will stay here and help ensure that our taxes are not raised.
Again, we ask you as a matter of civic pride, think twice before you buy and buy local.