If you missed the winter wonderland we received ahead of schedule this year, courtesy of The Vampire Diaries, you missed a beautiful scene on the town square.
Don't worry too much though; the scene may soon make a return to downtown.
The Vampire Diaries, which has been a good corporate partner for years, once again proved its generosity by donating many of the decorations it used to the city of Covington.
We're sure some of our neighbors, whether some merchants on the square or residents of downtown, don't appreciate the presence of frequent filming in our community, but we believe most residents and community leaders are thrilled to have such an attraction in our still fairly small town.
The Vampire Diaries has brought in more tourists than we thought possible, and we know at least of some of them have spent money freely with our area merchants during their time here.
This latest gift from the vampire folks is icing on the cake, or maybe a light powdery sugar dusting on the donut is a more appropriate metaphor.
We appreciate The Vampire Diaries presence and thank them for their generosity. It's just too bad the snow couldn't also stick around; we Georgians don't get the opportunity to see it, real or fake, very often.