I don't want to use anyone else as an example so I will use myself. Unlike some people who support healthcare reform, I actually have private insurance that I would most likely keep in any case. Having been a very careful insulin-dependent diabetic for nearly 20 years now, I have avoided the major eye and limb problems so common with diabetes.
Having said that, however, the longer one is a diabetic the more difficult and expensive that process of maintenance becomes. And the technology has become more expensive, especially with things like insulin pumps, one of which I wear all the time. Roughly estimated, I suspect my diabetes expenses, not counting doctor visits, etc., probably run $500 a month.
What I am missing in the Marshall plan is how my paying that $500 a month (instead of my insurer) is going to make that go down? It isn't like I can decide to skip taking my insulin for a few days every week. Or that I can decide not to test my blood sugar (at $1 per test), since I could pass out while driving and injure myself or others.
If Marshall's plan is that if enough people can't afford health care, then prices would fall, I suppose that would work. But that's not health care reform; it is no health care at all.
Patrick Durusau is a resident of Covington. His columns appear regularly on Fridays.