Dear Editor,
I have been a resident of Newton County for 45 years. The changes I have seen are numerous, but one unchanging fixture of the Covington Square has been Fletcher’s Jewelry store. Fletcher’s has been at its present location, 1113 Washington Street SW, for nearly 100 years. The business was passed down to its current owner, Jim Fletcher, by his father and grandfather. I would venture to say that such a longstanding, successful business would not survive a small town setting unless the product was of unquestionable quality and the customer service genuine. For many years, I have been a repeat customer and recipient of these high standards. Most recently, I encountered a new level of service, when I took my “talking” watch in for repair. Severe vision limitations have left me dependent on the talking feature. Imagine my dismay to discover that my watch was beyond repair. Jim researched the possibility that perhaps he could order me a new one, and indeed he was able to provide a replacement within days. What might sound like an expected service of business was delivered by a man who humbly recognized my special situation and provided the hometown service as a shining example that the goal of customer service is still a goal worth striving for.
My special thanks to Fletcher’s Jewelry for the “above and beyond” service that makes it easy to support our local businesses.
Ms. Kitty King