Former University of Georgia Head Football Coach Vince Dooley shares a smile with patrons as he signs UGA memorabilia for fans at Mayfield Hardware on the square Thursday evening. Vince Dooley was in Covington signing autographs as part of his book tour of Georgia. Dooley just released two new books, "Dooley's Playbook: the 34 Most Memorable Plays in Georgia Football History," and "Hairy Dawg's Journey through the Peach State." Additionally, he offered three other books, signed and numbered artist's prints, game day caps and other memorabilia."The book tour is exciting to him," says publicist Sammy Smith. "Fans have an opportunity to visit, take photos, share brief stories and thank him for his service to the University and its legions of graduates and fans. We've been to 70 cities so far; all are welcoming and gratifying for him."
Vince Dooley visits Covington
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