Original story on CSX employee injured in Social Circle: here.
The Social Circle City Council will honor, on Tuesday, the police officer who was first on the scene of the recent accident involving a CSX employee who was injured near the General Mills facility on Wednesday, May 28 and provided potentially life-saving first-aid efforts.
Social Circle Police Officer Jason Stribling has regularly been assigned as a school resource officer at Social Circle High School and Middle School but was on patrol because school was not in session, according to Police Chief Terry Sosebee. A concerned citizen approached Stribling at approximately 1:30 p.m., notifying him of a situation at the facility with possible injuries.
“Upon arrival, Officer Stribling located the injured CSX employee and immediately began administering first-aid,” Sosebee said.
Stribling then notified the Walton County Communications Center of the situation and requested a life flight to the scene. As he waited for assistance, Sosebee said, Stribling deployed a field tourniquet to the employee’s severed arm to control what appeared to be extreme blood loss.
Sosebee said Stribling remained with the injured employee until EMS personnel arrived on the scene and took over first-aid efforts and while the CSX Police Department investigated the accident, which involved a collision between the employee and a train car.
“I am confident that without Officer Stribling’s prompt actions, the victim of this unfortunate accident could have had an even more dire outcome,” Sosebee said. “This incident reflects well on Officer Stribling, his professionalism, his preparation to serve the public and his willingness to meet the needs of our community on multiple levels.”
Stribling will be honored by the Social Circle City Council Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. during its council meeting.