Academic Entrance Requirements: a. There are no academic entrance requirements for students enrolling in kindergarten. b. For students entering first grade, progress must have been demonstrated on all Georgia Performance Standards indicating that the child is exceeding the standards, meeting the standards or progressing toward meeting the standards. c. For students entering grades 2-4, standards must have been met on progress reports by achieving marks of 2 or 3 in all areas. On the areas of the report card where S, P or N is recorded, students must have earned marks of S or P. d. For students entering grades 5-6, semester averages of 80 or higher in all subjects must have been earned. On the areas of the report card where S, P or N is recorded, students must have earned marks of S or P. e. To be admitted, students must have passed the CRCT in reading, English, language arts and math.
Continue Academic Continuation Agreement Requirements: a. For grades 1-3, in order to remain at the theme school, students must meet standards, achieving marks of 2 or 3 in all areas. On the areas of the report card where S, P or N is recorded, students must earn marks of S or P. b. For grades 4-6, in order to remain at the theme school, students must maintain yearly averages of 80 in all areas. On the areas of the report card where S, P or N is recorded, students must earn marks of S or P.
Continue Screening Requirements for Disciplines Grades 1-6 in Order to be Admitted: a . Student must have zero out-of-school suspensions, b. Student must have not more than two discipline referrals resulting in detention or in-school suspension, and c. Students must not have more than 3 "Ns" recorded on the conduct portion of the report card (new for 2011-2012).
Newton County’s theme school for the next school year is getting a new name and home: Newton County Theme School at Ficquett. The Newton County Board of Education elected to have Fairview Theme School revert to a regular elementary school. Since Ficquett was one of the elementary schools being phased out in the system’s five-year facilities plan, they decided to have the theme school move there. That also allows for an elementary school to be centrally located within the city limits, something many parents were concerned about. The theme school will expand to include kindergarten through sixth grade. The parental involvement, discipline and academic requirements remain for the theme school and there is a cap on seats available per grade. Siblings of enrolled students will have priority in the kindergarten enrollment process. There will be drop-off points throughout the county where students can catch a bus to the school, but parents are required to get their child to those points at a designated time. The deadline is Feb. 28 for applications to the theme school. If a lottery is required it will be held March 11, with notification of acceptance or rejection mailed to parents by March 18. For applications, see