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Eastside to stage fall festival on Saturday
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 Eastside High School’s prom committee is trying to keep the cost of its prom down by staging a fall festival on Saturday, with all proceeds going to the March 19 dance.

“We need this fall festival to be successful,” said Trina Nickson, prom committee director. “Ticket prices are going to increase unless we raise some money and I am trying my best to do everything I can to make that happen.”

Prom tickets are on sale and cost $70.

The festival will take place 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday on the football practice field behind the school. Wristbands for the event can be purchased at the school today for $5 or at the gate for $7. The wristband includes admission to the festival and all races.

According to Nickson, the fall festival will have bounce houses/moon walks, a fortune teller and a three-headed genius, a car smash (with a bat or sledge hammer of choice), baked goods, a cupcake walk, crazy hairspray booth, face painting, and gooey bags. There will be egg races, a balloon sit, sack toss, three-legged race and a balloon chase.

The prom will be held on March 19 at the 755 Club at Turner Field.

 “I know that some families are going through economic hardships right now and I am doing everything possible to help those students attend prom,” Nickson said. “I don’t want any students who want to attend])to miss out on their prom, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.”