Porterdale City Council held a work session on Tuesday to discuss some issues that will help out residents of the city. In addition, the council announced they received an award from the U.S. Census Bureau for the hard work they provided in taking part in collecting data for the 2010 census.
In an effort to reduce city expenses, the council is looking at reducing the cost of utility bills in city-owned buildings.
"We found a program that that will allow the city to suspend gas meters in the summer when it’s not in use," said Mayor Bobby Hamby. "This way we won’t have to pay the cost GA Power imposes when it is not in use. We’re looking at anything that will save some money."
The council passed a resolution in the previous meeting to offer residents the opportunity to round off their water bill; the donations would go to nonprofit organization CARE, founded by council member Linda Finger. CARE would use the funds to help needy families in Porterdale with their water bills.
However, according to Hamby, the council discovered their charter was not in accordance with state law and decided they will have to void the resolution and draft a new one. This will be an action item in the council’s September meeting.
"This will be an opportunity for us to update our charter," said Hamby. "The council will still continue to pursue this; this will be just a temporary delay."
The council also discussed the prospects of getting city employees a retirement plan. They will be meeting with different providers in the coming months, with the anticipation to put a plan in place by January 2011.