Adam Cofer’s journey as a Boy Scout recently culminated when he received his Eagle Scout rank from Troop 222 in Covington. Eagle Scout is the highest rank obtainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America. Now, he plans to put his skills to use in the U.S. Navy. Adam began as a Tiger Cub in 1998 and credits his mother Elizabeth "Bess" James and his brother Andrew with getting him interested in the program. Adam, who has recently joined the Navy, credits much of leadership and life skills to his experience in the Boy Scouts. "From meeting public figures through the program, to camping, hiking, and the educational benefits of earning merit badges, the Boys Scouts gave me leadership skills and recognition... a great foundation for my next adventure in the US military," Adams said. Adam’s father Todd Cofer agrees. "The Boy Scouts program has done a lot for Adam. They helped him to stay focused and provided him with many opportunities for leadership training. Adam is young man that any parent would be proud of and becoming involved in Scouts helped him greatly." Adam Cofer plans to pursue a career in Air Rescue while in the US Navy. Though the CPR and Lifeguard Certifications he earned while in Boy Scouts helped to lay the groundwork for his future career, it is the smaller things that happened along the Boy Scout trail that he will remember the most. "I have some great memories from being a Boy Scout," Adams said. "From the Chili Cook-Offs, to the camping trips and campfire stories, I have made many lifelong friendships. I will always remember my experiences as a Boy Scout."
An Eagle heads to sea