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2010 Girl Scout Cookie Program has kicked off
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Place your order for Girl Scout Cookies a little earlier this year as girls now have their order cards in hand. Beginning Feb. 20 Girl Scout Cookie Booths will be at local grocery and retail stores.

This year’s new cookies are called Thank U Berry Munch — a cripsy rice cookie with real cranberries sweetened with white fudge chips and crispy rice.

All eight varieties of cookies have zero grams trans fat and no hydrogenated oils, including the all new Thank U Berry Munch. Other cookies offered during the sale are Samoas, Trefoils, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, Lemon Chalet Cremes, Dulce de Leche and the all time favorite, Thin Mints. Each box sells for $3.50.

In 2009, with 3.9 million boxes sold, more than $2.2 million dollars in troop profits were re-invested in local community service projects. Proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program not only provide rewards for individual Girl Scouts and their troops but also provide funding for programs and resource materials for more than 41,000 girls and 17, 700 adult members who are part of Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta.

During the months of February and March, visit the Cookie Finder on the Girls Scouts of Greater Atlanta’s web site ( for a listing of the hundreds of Girl Scout Cookie Booth locations in the greater Atlanta region.

This year, girls will have loads of fun reaching their personal sales goals and helping their communities as they incorporate the 2010 Girl Scout Cookie theme, Inspired by U. Girls across the country, ages 5-17, will be inspiring change. They will discover what matters most, connect with people in their community and use the power of Girl Scout Cookies to take action and make the world a better place.