SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — Abandoned grocery carts in some Savannah neighborhoods have become such a problem that city officials are warning grocery stores to take better care of them -- or pay up if they don't.
Some residents say they're getting tired of seeing the carts abandoned along streets, canals, bus stops and yards, The Savannah Morning News reported
Assistant City Manager Peter Shonka recently sent letters to local grocers. He said the city is considering ways to address the issue, including rounding up the carts and holding them until the businesses pay a fee.
"We recognize that you often have little or no control over customers removing carts from your property," Shonka said. "However, it is the name of your company that appears on your cart creating visual blight and clutter."
Alderman Estella Shabazz said she has been receiving a lot of calls about the issue, as has Alderwoman Mary Ellen Sprague, who said residents are getting upset because people leave the carts on their lawns and the stores won't come and pick them up.
Alderman Tom Bordeaux questioned why the stores were allowing shoppers to walk away with the carts in the first place.
Alderman Tony Thomas questioned whether all the blame should be put on the merchants, suggesting police should confront people they see pushing the carts down the street.
"The shopping cart doesn't drive away by itself," Thomas said.
Starting Thursday, the city plans to start accessing problem areas and the businesses contributing to them.