NEW YORK (AP) — Amber Tamblyn plays Charlie Harper's previously unknown daughter, Jenny, on the 11th season of CBS' "Two and a Half Men," premiering Thursday night. Jenny and her father (who was played by Charlie Sheen) have something in common: a love for women. She's a hard-partying bisexual. Tamblyn, whose TV credits include the dramas "General Hospital," ''Joan of Arcadia" and "House M.D.," said she wasn't sure if she was interested in joining "Two and a Half Men." She said her agent told her, "Well, hang on. It's a genius role. ... She's very into alcohol and women." Tamblyn, who has yet to see an episode of the show, said she's amazed by its bawdy, sexual humor. "It is very fun to play," the 30-year-old actress said of her character. "I am shocked at what they get away with on the show. It's kind of incredible. Just the jokes and the language and the euphemisms for genitalia. There's a lot of that happening. I think I had more sex in the first episode than I've ever had in the 20 years in my career on any film or television. So it's pretty awesome." She said taping a show before a live studio audience is harder than doing theater "because the writers come in and they change the jokes and then you have to do it again with all new jokes. That really requires a certain type of muscle memory, and I think talent. I bow down to Jon Cryer and Ashton Kutcher and what they do. Watching them is such a pleasure." Angus T. Jones, who plays Cryer's son, Jake, made headlines last year for saying the show conflicted with his religious views. He's now on recurring status on the series. Kutcher replaced Sheen on the show. ___ Online: http://www.cbs.com/ ___ |
Amber Tamblyn shakes up season 11 of CBS' 'Men'