When color was added to our televisions, the various networks began to use color to identify during their reports on elections who won. As a state was declared to have been won by a candidate, his or her state was filled in with the color used for his or her party for that year. At first there was not a universal agreement on which color went with which party. Each network made that call.
At first, the most common use was blue for the Republicans and red for the Democrats. Then in the year 2000 the current use of red for the GOP and blue for the Democrats as adopted by all the various networks. I don’t know why the change but it has been ingrained in our thinking.
The danger of painting a state one color ignores the ideas and votes of all that did not vote a certain way. As we celebrate the Fourth of July my hope is it will be a red, white and blue day for us all. A day when we remember the importance of respecting even those we disagree with. A day we celebrate that we have the freedom to speak out and disagree. Just because we don’t agree with all another person thinks does not mean we have a right to attack who they are.
Our flag has three colors. There is white in both the part with blue and the part with red. Let this be a reminder that we need to listen to each other and not merely stick labels on others and not try to learn from their perspective.
I saw an interesting play on the word “team” the other day. It was “Together Everyone Accomplishes More.” No one party or group, has all the answers. When we build together we are at our greatest. When we close others out, we are robbing ourselves of what they might add to the discussion.
Thomas Friedman wrote a column in the New York Times a few days ago entitled, “Where Did ‘We the People’ Go?” He wrote, “I fear we’re becoming Sunnis and Shiites – we call them “Democrats” and “Republicans” but the sectarianism that destroyed nation-states in the Middle East is now infecting us.”
The Fourth is a reminder that we have far more in common than what we disagree on. Let’s don’t reduce any one to one color. Our freedoms were earned and strengthened by those from all the various political factions. This year our celebration at the Square is being called “Stars and Stripes Fest 2017”. The “Stars and Stripes” brings the “Red, White, and Blue” together.
When we label a person, we make them “paper” thin. When we see beyond the label, we see a neighbor. Perhaps someone has some of the same fears and worries we have. As we listen, we can learn things that might be of help to each.
When you shut another out because you disagree on a given point, you may be missing out on so much. We will be a stronger community and county, when we listen and learn from each other. That is what is so great about the Fourth, it is a red, white, and blue day. A day for us to celebrate.
The festivities will start on the square around 2:30 p.m. There will be food, games live music and lots of family fun. There is no admission and it is open to all. The live music will start at 4:30 p.m. after the golf cart parade. There will be the Newton County Community Band, Old Souls, the Sound Track Band, Apostles of Blue Grass, Amy Rae and the Drive Time Band.
Come see why Covington’s celebration was voted “Main Street America’s 2016 Best 4th of July Celebration.” It is a great example of the private and public sector coming together as the City of Covington and Covington’s Main Street come together to sponsor this great celebration.
Around 9:30 p.m. the sky over the old Historical Courthouse will explode in a spectacular fireworks show. We want to thank Robert Foxworth, again, for his very generous support of this spectacular fireworks display. This is the ninth year he has led the effort to fund the fireworks. And he says that he does it to give back to the community and to see the smiles on people’s faces as they enjoy the show.