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Please spare me the agony of the NBA finals
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I can't take it anymore.

The NBA finals between the Boston Celtics and the Los Angles Lakers is boring, to say the least, and it's driving me crazy.

Regardless of what happened last night, the game has changed. What once used to be two of the greatest teams in NBA history, the rivalry is not the same as those in years past.

Remember those great times? Remember the superstars, the bitterness, the championships and the sheer magic of it all? Sadly, that was then, and this is now, meaning the NBA is not what it used to be.

The excitement and passion just isn't there anymore. I can recall a time where living rooms, pool halls and sports bars were standing room only during the NBA finals.

Three factors have lead to this: media, scandals and technology.

For starters, ironically, one of the differences involves the media - the so-called "NBA analysts."

These "experts" don't report useful facts and hold professional viewpoints that should be, at best, un-biased. Instead many offer pointless criticism and insignificant opinions, insulting the intelligence of down-to-earth people who watch or listen.

Although I understand these reporters are supposed to be the experts, overexposing them can be fatal. Sometimes too much information and unsolicited commentary can very well be overwhelming, making people feel stupid and annoyed at the same time.

Second, the referee scandals have deeply plaque the entire league.

Referees around the league are under heavy scrutiny after allegations by former NBA referee Tim Donaghy. As many know, Donaghy plead guilty last year for conspiracy to engage in wire fraud and transmitting betting information through interstate commerce that many NBA referees bet on games.

In fact, Donaghy testified that he fixed many games, including the controversial Game 6 of the 2002 NBA playoffs between the Lakers and the Sacramento Kings.

Watching the finals gradually over time since this bomb went off has been a bit frustrating. Personally, I now question many of the calls the refs have made, particularly during the finals, and wonder if they have alternative motives.

Unfortunately, this is not fair to all of the referees - having that type of stigma hanging over their heads.

Lastly, the technology has changed the way we watch the NBA. What made it so great in the past was the nonexistence of outlets such as the ever-changing television, radio and computer.

Sports journalists back then had to really work for a living; they had to dig to get the facts, and there were fistfights to reach that breaking story first. Obviously, there was no Internet, e-mail, cell phone or fax machines at that time, making it difficult on writers and reporters.

So, how did they compensate for it? They told their account with truth, trying to be as accurate as possible.

The anticipation and excitement brought by them got people interested in the game, and teams were more appreciative of the media than they are today.

Now, media spoils today's teams because the information highway is much faster and accessible.

Regardless of the outcome of this particular NBA finals, should things not change soon I might pull my hair out.

On second thought, too late.

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