In two mysterious cases of home invasion, a man reportedly forced his way into two homes Tuesday while posing as a city worker.
Newton County Sheriff's Lt. Mark Mitchell said the victims of both crimes described the same suspect.
"People should be aware," Mitchell said. "Even if they look like they work for the city, make sure you are aware of your surroundings and what they are doing. Take all forms of precaution. If they force their way into your home, call 911."
The first victim, an 87-year-old woman, reportedly heard a truck pull into her driveway on Bryant Street at approximately 10:30 a.m. Believing the driver was her grandson coming to bring her medicine, she reportedly opened the door to find a white male dressed in plain clothes.
The man reportedly told the victim there had been an accident just up the road and that he needed to check her water for a gas leak. He then reportedly pushed his way inside the victim's house and asked where her sink was located.
At this point, the victim became suspicious because the man kept insisting she needed to stand at the sink while the water was running to smell it and to watch if it turned black
After a few moments, the victim left the sink and went looking for the man. She found him outside entering into a newer model gray truck. She could not see the tag number, but she was able to tell the NCSO deputy that the truck headed north on Bryant Street.
She described the suspect as being dressed neatly wearing dark pants and a radio on his belt. A quick inventory of the house revealed nothing missing.
Mitchell said a final report on the second victim is expected to be filed today. The victim in the second home invasion reported the man may have stolen a few items, Mitchell said.
Anyone with further information regarding case is asked to call the Newton County Sheriff's Office at (678) 625-1403.
Tips may also be given anonymously at (678) 625-5007 or on their Web site