The events of a meeting last week between the Newton County Board of Commissioners and the Social Circle City Council to discuss resolving the county's lawsuit against the city remain a mystery.
As soon as both councils had convened last Thursday, an executive session was called which barred the public and the media from the meeting. Executive sessions may be called for several reasons, including the discussion of personnel matters and - in the case of last week's BOC meeting - the discussion of pending litigation.
Following the hour-long meeting, County Attorney Tommy Craig told members of the media that the Social Circle City Council had presented a good faith comprehensive presentation on the resolution of the lawsuit to the BOC.
Craig said the BOC would be meeting in executive session at a later date to discuss in detail the Social Circle proposal.
Social Circle Mayor Jim Burgess told the News a five-page document outlining their proposal was presented to the BOC.
"I felt like it was a good meeting," Burgess said.
The lawsuit against the city of Social Circle was filed by the BOC in December, 2006. The suit was filed over the city's annexation of 1,150 acres of Newton County land located at the western end of the county. In its suit, the county has accused Social Circle of violating its own annexation laws as well as those of the county and the state.
News Staff Writer Jenny Thompson contributed to this report