If you've ever wanted to visit Africa or reach out to lives across the globe, stop by the Storytellers and Bridge-Builders evening on Friday, Sept. 6, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Join Jeff Beech, Shelley Martin and Lauren Cook for a Kenyan-style celebration evening with R.O.C.K. Bridge Ministries.
The evening will feature video vignettes, songs and tales of God's faithfulness, beautiful African crafts, and exciting ways to support local bridge-building in Nakuru, Kenya. A delicious buffet dinner, graciously donated by Glenn's BBQ in Conyers, will be provided. All are welcome and dinner donations are accepted.
The event will be 7-9pm at the Rockdale Leadership Center, 2826 Highway 20 SE in Conyers.
For more information, contact shelleyjmartin@gmail.com