In Jesus we find the basis for our hope, for our security and for our future, both here and hereafter. When we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we not only celebrate a divine reality; we also affirm the human side of Jesus' ‘victory.'
The resurrection demonstrates that in Jesus we can overcome the evils of this world- the evils of sin and all the painful stuff of human life like the bad economy, layoffs, foreclosures, sickness and death.
People accept that Jesus overcame death. But does redemption end at the tomb ? Repeatedly Jesus told his apostles that his passion and death were a means to an end. His death and resurrection were the ‘beginning' of an everlasting caring ministry for all God's people. Repeatedly Jesus spoke of his ‘ongoing' mediation for all generations to come.
You may ask: "How does Jesus help me, now? How does Jesus and the Father help me deal with my problems in life, the everyday challenges-employment, putting food on the table?"
Jesus himself used the metaphor of the vine and its branches. The branches securely attached to the vine can bear fruit. Likewise, the Christian, in union with Jesus, can succeed in life. Jesus concludes with a startling statement: "Apart from me you can do nothing!"
Father John C. Kieran is a pastor at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Conyers.