I'll quit _________ tomorrow.
I'll pay better attention to my family tomorrow.
I'll finish _________ tomorrow.
I'll allow God to have his way in my life tomorrow.
I'll get saved tomorrow.
All of the above statements come from good intentions but produce empty promises; in essence; they represent and declare to whoever uses them "lost opportunities."
What is your blank? What well intended item have you been putting off until "tomorrow" for hundreds of "tomorrows?"
For some of you, you are already mentally exhausted and emotionally spent. Your list of could-of, should-of, and meant-to is a list loaded with frustration and contempt - of yourself that is. For others of you, the above struggle is completely foreign to you; however, your "tomorrow" may be worse. You do not struggle with unfulfilled well intentions; rather, "tomorrow" to you is and has become the fear of what might not be. How many fears of what might or might not be have the term "tomorrow" as their final statement?
What if I lose my job?
What if I do not get a job?
What if ________ occurs?
What if ________ does not occur?
What if I or someone I love gets sick?
And for some of you, the list could go on and on and on. The struggle with "tomorrow," whether it is feared or well intended, in actuality, may be "tomorrow never comes."
I have a friend, a recovering alcoholic, whose life today has much to teach us regarding the life of "tomorrow." He shared with me on more than one occasion, "I can drink anytime I want, as long as it is tomorrow. That's the only way I can get through today." The preceding statement is priceless if you will heed its message. When you live in the light of "today," then "tomorrow" never becomes a reality. Oftentimes, this works to our detriment rather than our benefit.
Jesus said it best in Matthew 6:34, "take no thought for the morrow: For the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself: sufficient unto today is the evil thereof."
When we procrastinate, the good-intentions of tomorrow, never become reality, and then we miss out on the opportunity and gift to enjoy, be a blessing, or serve, as one should. When we fear the "what might b's of tomorrow which are rarely actually realized, we miss out on the opportunity for all of the enjoyments of life that are present today, but without guarantee they will be present tomorrow.
"Present." The word had a place of prominence in that last paragraph. I like presents, you like presents, everyone likes presents; God has given you a present - "Today." Do not waste it on tomorrow.
Dr. Jeff Meyers is the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Conyers.