Dear Editor: As I read recent articles in the newspaper, I feel badly for Repairers of the Breach. This organization reaches out to help so many people of this city and county. I do not see help coming to them from the city or county. They stand in need of a nice building. But do any of the official reach out to them? They operate within the law and by God's law.
When I approached Ms. Smith about the situation, she said there's enough work for all of us to do. She added that we do God's work and that she didn't believe in tooting her own horn.
Well, she may not, but I do.
Ms. Smith let me stay in her own home when I had no where to go. I will never forget her. She has taken in many people and treated them with respect, making them feel like human beings again.
Did you know Repairers of the Breach has homeless houses and make them available for families. They help these people get jobs and do not charge them anything until they are able to get on their feet. Repairers of the Breach helps the families open savings accounts and budget for being on their own.
Officials need to find out about this organization before they go handing out everything to others. They may not have a pretty building or fancy things, but they help people when others turn them away.
Why don't you, Mayor Ramsey, help them with a building and funding? Repairers of the Breach has been in operation for 16 years in this community. They have helped to keep the homeless off the streets of Newton County. I found a newspaper article dated some years back describing a request by Ms. Smith to the city council for help with a homeless shelter. She was told by Mayor Ramsey and the city manager that there was no homeless situation in Covington.
What happened to change the mayor's mind?
The people who have been helped by Repairers of the Breach should stand up and speak for this organization. Everyone should be treated equally.