Dear Editor: This letter is to all bus drivers, janitors, cafeteria workers and their families of [the] Newton County School System. The school board will soon decide the calendar for next school year. If the board chooses either the 169-day year or the four-day week, then the lowest paid employees will take a significant pay cut of up to 20 percent. You must take action by taking the survey on the school system Web site and contacting all the school board members. The hardest working and lowest paid employees should not have to take such a large pay cut to save money. The school system could not operate without these employees. Maybe the board members need to drive a bus, prepare a meal, or clean a school before they decide to take so much pay from these hard working employees. Please do not wait to take action or you may take a large pay cut next school year. Let the school board know what you think.
Letter to the editor...Make your voices heard