In the words of an old rock song, "signs, signs, everywhere a sign ..."
Those looking for a sign to tell them how to vote in Covington's mayoral election got one this week with the arrest of candidate Sigman.
You could hear people all over Atlanta laughing about Covington politics on Thursday. It wasn't a pleasant sound.
Mayoral candidate Bobby Sigman was arrested Wednesday for paying people to steal the campaign signs of his opponent Ronnie Johnston. News of the arrest spread quickly.
Needless to say, the publicity isn't the sort the city needs. Hopefully, it isn't a sign of what's in store for the city in the years to come.
According to Covington police, Sigman purchased the signs from a man he had previously allegedly hired to steal them while police monitored the deal. Police said the would-be mayor then made false statements to them about his involvement and was arrested. He is charged with theft by taking, criminal trespass and making false statements.
This from a candidate who hopes to be elected to the city's highest office.
Obviously Sigman remains innocent until proven guilty, and it will be up to a court of law to determine the veracity of the charges against him.
But in the court of public opinion, there's little doubt that someone who finds themselves embroiled in such an incident doesn't belong in the mayor's office.
We as a community are in tough economic times. We need people of good character and wise judgment to lead and represent us. We don't need those who apparently don't know right from wrong and who have problems telling the truth.
This is not the first time Sigman has shown that he lacks the character and itegrity to be elected mayor of the city.
It's pretty clear at this point where the signs point for Sigman. He needs to sign out of the campaign and sign up for some character development classes.
For the good of our community, Sigman should abandon his race for the position of mayor. He should withdraw from the race and publicly apologize to his opponent and the residents of Covington for his actions.
Sigman is a throw back to the sleazy politics of the past. He is not a leader the city can afford as it marches toward the future.
If Sigman refuses to withdraw from the race, hopefully the city's voters will be able to read the signs and send him home with a crushing defeat.