With road closures popping up all over the county, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is continuing to make improvements on high-traffic routes in Newton County.
With more than 10 projects in the works in the county, GDOT District 2 Communications Specialist Kyle Collins said drivers can also expect to see maintenance work in patching roadways, clearing vegetation and other work on high-traffic routes around Newton.
SR 142 widening
A $13.6 million contract was awarded for 1.6 miles of widening and reconstruction for additional lanes on State Route (SR) 142 beginning at Interstate 20 and extending to Alcovy Road.
Industrial development along this corridor has contributed to a steady increase in traffic, Collins said. The widening will increase the capacity of the roadway to accommodate higher traffic volumes while reducing congestion due to lack of passing opportunities. The anticipated completion date is June 30, 2019.
SR 142 will be four 12-foot lanes with a 20-foot raised median and 10-foot rural shoulders, and 6.5 feet of shoulders paved for a bike lane. Alcovy Road will be four 12-foot lanes with a 20-foot raised median and 12-foot urban shoulders with a 5-foot sidewalk from I-20 to SR 142, and 10-foot rural shoulders from SR 142 north to limits of construction on Alcovy Rd. The project includes replacing the highway bridge over CSX Railroad on SR 142.
Current work is outside the travel lanes and includes clear and grub, traffic control and erosion control devices and utility relocation.
SR 142 resurfacing from CSX RR to SR 81
E.R. Snell Contractor Inc. received the $868,000 contract award for 3.004 miles of milling, plant mix resurfacing, single surface treatment paving and shoulder rehab on SR 142 from CSX Railroad bridge to SR 81 near Oxford.
This project has yet to begin, but the completion date is set for Sept. 30, 2017.
SR 36 at Yellow River
Replacing the Yellow River Bridge on State Route (SR) 36 requires a one-year detour beginning Tuesday, March 7.
Traffic will use SR 162 and SR 212 as the signed, off-site detour. Local traffic will be allowed along SR 36 up to the bridge construction zone.
E.R. Snell Contractor, Inc. has the nearly $8 million contract to build a new bridge and approaches over the Yellow River 10 miles south of Covington. Funds for this project come from bridge bonds authorized by the Georgia Legislature. The official contract completion date is May 31, 2018.
This project proposes to replace the existing 520-foot-by-30-foot bridge with a 550-foot-by-43-foot bridge. The typical section of the roadway approaches will be two 12-foot lanes with 10-foot wide shoulders. The project length is approximately one-half mile.
Erosion control device installation, hauling embankment and utility relocation are other activities outside of the upcoming road closure for the bridge and approach work next week.
SR 36 at CR 181/Flat Shoals/Steel Rd and CR 506/Henderson Mill
This project consists of the realignment of Henderson Mill Road (CR 508) approximately 0.19 miles south of the existing intersection. Signals will then be constructed at the existing intersections of State Route 36 and Flat Shoals Road/Steel Road (CR 181) and at the realigned Henderson Mill Road intersection. The roadway will consist of two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction with 12-foot left and right turn lanes onto Flat Shoals/Steel Road and Henderson Mill Road. The shoulders will consist of 10-foot urban and rural shoulders.
The current completion date is Aug. 31 and the $1.9 million job went to Knight and Associates Inc.
Current work includes hauling embankment and installing pipe.
The existing intersection creates a “5-point” environment which is not desirable for optimal safety and operational efficiency. This project will regulate currently uncontrolled access points from the adjacent properties to SR 36, Steele Road and Flat Shoals Road and increase sight distance for drivers approaching all sides of the intersection.
“This is a busy intersection that we feel will function better with the realignment and traffic signal additions,” Collins said in a news release. “When complete, the likelihood of accidents will be greatly reduced as this county continues growth. “
Quick Response turn lane SR 142 at SR 81
GDOT Quick Response funded left-turn lane construction from SR 81 onto SR 142 began this week.
This intersection is used by a high volume of motorists heading to Interstate 20 and will improve safety by separating turning movements from those passing through. Work could last around three weeks depending on the weather. Expect daily delays in the work zone.
The Quick Response Program supports operational projects such as re-striping, intersection improvements, turn lane additions and extensions that can be implemented in a short period of time and for under $200,000.
Other projects in the works:
SR 212 at Bethany Road/Butler Bridge Road signal: The poles are up awaiting the contractor, Moye Electric Company, to install the signal equipment, etc.
SR 212 Begin at SR 81 / End at Jasper County Line: This project will be released/let to bid on March 17. It includes double surface treatment and sand seal.
SR 20 resurfacing from begin at Rockdale County Line / End at Henry County Line: This job will let to contract on June 16.
SR 81 begin at Porterdale / End at SR 12: This resurfacing project is scheduled to let to contract May 15, 2018.
SR 162 begin at SR 81 / End at Rockdale County Line: Proposed rehab scheduled to let to contract May 15, 2018.
I-20 at CR 114/Social Circle Road – Bridge Rehab: The work involves bridge rehab consisting of cap strengthening, painting the steel superstructure, joint replacement and spall repair. The contract let date is July 21.
Pace Street from Floyd Street to SR 12/US 278: This project will construct new pedestrian and bicycle facilities by giving Pace Street a classic road diet within its current four-lane transportation structure. New concrete sidewalks would be constructed for 0.4 miles along both sides of the corridor. After reducing the number of lanes from four to three, 5-foot wide dedicated bicycle lanes would be introduced and the roadway milled, resurfaced and restriped. Other enhancements proposed in this project include raised curbs, landscaped center medians in two locations for pedestrian crossings and refuges, pedestrian scale lighting and other street furnishings, ADA-accessible curb ramps, and street trees and shrub plantings. Curb extensions are proposed between Floyd and Stallings in order to define and protect existing parallel parking, and a wide landscape strip is proposed between Stallings and US 278 that might be converted to parallel parking as needed by future redevelopment. The contract will let out April 21.
SR 81 from North Street to Fletcher Street: This project proposes a new 5-foot sidewalk and curb and gutter, beginning at North Street and continuing north along the west side of SR 81 to Fletcher Street. There will also be drainage improvements where needed. The proposed length is 1.039 miles. Contract release for bid date is June 16.
Covington Bypass at Flat Shoals Road: This project will reconstruct the Covington Bypass and Flat Shoals Road intersection approximately 1.5 miles south east of the City of Porterdale. The project will reconstruct approximately 0.36 miles of the Covington Bypass and approximately 0.28 miles of Flat Shoals Road. The roadways will consist of one 12-foot lane in each direction and right and left turn lanes when required. Signal warrants were met for the intersection therefore a proposed signal will be included in the design.