New sewage system put on hold (July 15, 2012)
Water authority rejects CEO report (July 6, 2012)
Water wars erupt between RWR, Authority (June 9, 2012)
New roles outlined for water officials (June 16, 2012)
IN BRIEF: The Water and Sewerage Authority voted 4-1, with member Garvin Haynes voting against, to rescind their earlier recommendation to the Board of Commissioners not to renew contract of Rockdale Water Resources Director Dwight Wicks when it finishes at the end of the year. They left in place the recommendation to immediately advertise for the position. During the three-hour Thursday morning meeting, the five Authority members (members Tom Fox and Chip Hatcher were not present) went into executive session to discuss the matter. Authority member Phyllis Turner said the vote was largely a procedural matter, since the BOC had already voted last month to not renew Wicks' contract at the end of December. Authority member Bill Murrain had proposed rescinding the recommendation on Wicks' contract, although he had initially voted for it, because he felt it went beyond the scope of what it should go. Also in attendance in the audience was Wicks and about six members of Wicks' church; five of the attendees spoke in support of Wicks.
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