Rockdale Career Academy’s Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Science teacher Kevin Surrette encourages his students and community to “support sustainable locally-grown food and horticulture products which will reduce their carbon footprint and provide a safer product using fewer pesticides.” Other efforts on campus include incorporating reclaimed water from rainwater recovery in landscaping projects. While minding plants in their greenhouse classroom, sophomore Basic Agriculture students chimed in with ways they attempt to reduce, reuse and recycle in their daily lives. HHS and RCA sophomore Grace Anne Dukes says she makes the effort to walk versus driving to games and activities when time allows. Classmate Alexis Nation recycles at home and school making sure to re-use plant and seed trays; while classmate Kersten Buchanan’s family strives to take quicker showers.
Their bounty is for sale – stop by the Rockdale Career Academy between 12 – 4 p.m. Monday – Friday at 1064 Culpepper Dr. SW in Conyers. Email for more information. Surrette also works with the Rockdale Farmer’s Market, sponsored by the Rockdale-DeKalb Farm Bureau, re-opening for the season May 24 in the Rockdale County Government Annex parking lot at 1400 Parker Rd. Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 8 a.m. to noon. - Jessica Smith