Colleges, Careers and More
When: Tuesday, Oct 20, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Where: Rockdale Career Academy, 1064 Culpepper Drive.
For information: (770) 860-4242
When: Tuesday, Oct 20, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Where: Rockdale Career Academy, 1064 Culpepper Drive.
For information: (770) 860-4242
Students and parents looking at planning for the next step after high school won't want to miss this event. On Tuesday, Oct. 20, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., high school counselors and Career Center counselors will hold a workshop entitled "Colleges, Careers, and More...What is on the Horizon After High School?" at the Rockdale Career Academy, 1064 Culpepper Drive. Students will receive information concerning the college application process, financial aid, military opportunities and college opportunities. A college representative from DeKalb Technical College will also be present for this event, and the event is open to students of all grades.
All high school students have an electronic "portfolio" where they can plan out their career from ninth grade to two years beyond high school, said Candace Ford, RCPS director of student support.
"We have online portfolios and six-year plans so students can check their progress from beginning of ninth grade to two years post high school," said Ford.
"That is something relatively new that is being implemented this year with our eighth graders," she said, adding that those student will come into high school with the beginning of a six-year plan.
"The very act of recording their options begins the cognitive act of planning for post secondary options," she said.