Downtown Authority to buy 941 Main Street (March 15, 2011)
IN BRIEF: The Downtown Development Authority decided to sell a small piece of green space to the city of Conyers for a $100,000 at their Tuesday evening meeting.
The green space, about 0.1488 acres, is attached to the property and building at 941 Main Street in Olde Town Conyers that the DDA decided to purchase in March.
Councilman Marty Jones, who sits on the DDA committee, said the green space would likely be incorporated into the existing adjacent botanical garden. The decision was made with the proviso that "If and when the DDA finds a tenant, and if tenant wants green space to use as a patio, city allows them to do that," Jones.
The DDA is also looking for another member to serve the rest of the 4-year term for the seat vacated by former DDA member Ashley Frey, who recently moved.
Any residents interested in serving on the DDA can contact Jones at 770-929-8654, or Jennifer Edwards at 770-929-4299.