A Conversation with Brittany Evans, Main Street Conyers' new director (Feb. 23, 2015)
Conyers to bring Haler as new tourism director (April 22, 2015)
The director of the Conyers Main Street program, Brittany Evans, was let go from her position after about six months on the job, a city spokesperson confirmed.
Evans was named as Main Street director last November.
"Things just weren't working out for either party," said Jennifer Edwards, Conyers' director of Public Relations and Tourism.
The city will be searching for a new director, she said.
In the meanwhile, "We have a very capable board. I think they'll be able to pick up right where Brittany left of. We'll be able to function in the interim" with the program requirements and events, said Edwards.
Events coming up include the Olde Town Summer Film series with showings on June 13 and July 11.