The Conyers/Eastside Poultry Meetup Group held a Chickens on Parade event at The Stock Market Feed Store on Highway 20 south on Oct. 29. There were a variety of poultry breeds on display including Buff Orpingtons, Silkies, Easter Eggers, and Australorps, as well as turkeys, ducklings, and other animals. There was also a small petting zoo, prizes, poultry equipment, show cages, demonstrations, a Southern States feed rep, a nationally known poultry show judge, BBQ, games and more.
(Pictured) Audasha Simmons, 3, of Conyers cups a fluffy Australorp chick.
Steve Travis of McDonough displays a Mille Fleur bantam rooster, known for the elaborate feathering on the feet.
Luciano Gonzalez takes home a Buff Orpington; “For dinner,” he said with a smile.