You lie awake at night wondering if, when you need to call your county commissioner, they don't have a cellphone, and you will miss them?
Or, the spouse of a law enforcement officer doesn't know if he is coming home because he doesn't have the latest bullet proof vest for protection.
If you said the second one is much higher priority, congratulations. Your values are in the right place.
So, why is Newton County paying for cell phone service for our county commissioners? Surely that could be used to purchase bullet-proof vests.
Besides, the county commissioners don't list their numbers on the Web site (or any other contact information) so how would you call them if you wanted to?
Today is Sept. 11, 2009. The next county commission meeting is on Sept. 15. I wonder how many commissioners will turn in their cell phones at that meeting to have more funds for bullet proof vests for our law enforcement officers?
I am willing to sacrifice the ability to contact my county commissioner 24/7 (if I knew his number) in order to help protect our law enforcement officers. How about you?
PS: Call the County Clerk at (770) 784-2000 to let them know your opinion. Be nice because these are some of the under appreciated people who deliver services to the citizens of Newton County.
I will miss the Sept. 15 meeting as I am attending an international standards meeting that I chair and serve as editor. Let me know how many cell phones get turned in.
Patrick Durusau is a resident of Covington. His columns appear regularly on Fridays