Saving money on gasoline and electricity affords most a bit of extra cash during the spring months that disappears once the heat of the summer has arrived.
While lately many have been stowing away every extra cent they have due to a sour economy, we would suggest some worthwhile spring events to spend your money on for local good causes.
Because of the mild weather this time of year, a bevy of charity golf tournaments can be found almost every week.
The Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce is hosting a fundraising tournament Thursday at The Oaks Course.
The Oxford Lions are hosting a "Swinging for Sight" tournament on May 15 at the Oaks.
The Social Circle Lions will host the Phil Peppers Memorial Tournament on May 21 at Hard Labor Creek.
To round out the season, Charter Communications is sponsoring a golf tournament at the Oaks on June 9 to benefit the Newton County Miracle League.
You can find information on all of these charity tournaments by logging on to CovNews.