We feel strongly that the city of Social Circle has taken the right steps in order to allow its business community to grow and prosper over the next 10 years.
One of the brightest parts of that planned growth is the reemergence of the volunteer Better Hometown committee.
The Better Hometown group is an extension of the successful Main Street program overseen by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.
The recent addition of Mike Miller as its executive director has pointed the organization in a direction to act not only as an advocate for local business but also an organization with the clout to get things done.
Through their efforts Social Circle recently has earned Job Opportunity Zone status — the 33rd city in the state awarded this designation.
Please read more about the definition of a Job Opportunity Zone at CovNews.com.
Social Circle can be likened to an infant who is just starting to crawl and soon will grow into childhood filled with energy and determination and eventually a wise adult. This community will one day become the dominate community in Walton County, both in business and as a place to raise a family.