By its very nature, our political system is divisive, as each faction strives to prevail both at the ballot box and in making laws. But there are times and events that draw us together, celebrations of our democracy and the culture and values we hold in common. One such event is The Newton County Legislature Prayer Breakfast, which will be held at 7 a.m. Friday at the Turner Lake Recreation Complex in Covington. It’s nonpartisan, nondenominational and will bring together local, state and federal government representatives of all stripes and local residents to join in prayer concerns. Columnist Jackie Gingrich Cushman will be the featured speaker. Very much the partisan in her columns that run on this page on Sundays, she will set aside politics for the event and instead will discuss "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness and the Responsibility of Our Elected Officials." The prayer breakfast is a joint effort of the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs of Covington, service groups that have long brought good things to our community. It’s an outgrowth of a breakfast prayer club of civic leaders including Judge Samuel Ozburn, Judge Ken Wynne, Judge Horace Johnson, Bob Rutland, Hunter Hall and Ruel Parker. Tough economic times continue for Newton County, and it’s going to take us all working together to craft a sustainable recovery and move us forward. An event such as the prayer breakfast is a great start to the year.
Our thoughts... Common prayer and values