High schools are like miniature cities; the principals of high schools have duties not much unlike the mayor of a large city.
Just like a mayor, a principal has to be a politician, a father - or mother - figure, a judge, a disciplinarian, a financial administrator and a caretaker.
A principal has to have leadership qualities that his young charges and staff can respect.
Newton County has three high schools, and all three are led by three capable and dedicated principals.
Unfortunately for us and our high school students, two are moving on to other pastures.
David Easterday, the principal of Alcovy High School, is retiring and moving to Florida. He has done an excellent job in directing the county’s newest high school through its start-up years.
Dr. Robert Daria will be advancing in his career as he moves next door to become an assistant superintendent in Walton County. He has been a tough, but fair, taskmaster at Eastside High School.
Both of these gentleman have a done a great job, and we wish them well in their new endeavors.
The burden is now on the central office administration and school board to find equally qualified leaders for the schools.
They did an excellent job in finding Dr. Roderick Sams, the current principal of Newton High School, last year.
We have no doubt that they will do a thorough job of finding new principals for Eastside and Alcovy.