Between a rock and a hard place
Monday the Newton County Board of Commissioners held a work session of which the topic was grim news at best.
Last month we praised the commissioners and county staff for their efforts to balance an $ 8.6 million shortfall because cost-saving measures meant no employee lost their job.
We knew then that if the economy did not drastically turn around that the day would come when the county would be forced to let employees go. The commissioners have the choice of raising taxes to reach the balance needed, to cut services and employees or not to cut services and cut more employees.
We are not in favor of raising taxes for the entire community.
The other two options then are to cut some services and lose some employees or not cut services and lose even more.
These are decisions that our local business people, who manage companies of all sizes, are having to make every day in order to survive.
We do not want to see hard-working people lose their jobs, but the people of Newton County pay a fair amount of taxes in order to ensure that they have county services, especially those that are provided to protect them.
At this time our suggestion is not to cut county services, but regrettably, to cut personnel.
A lesson learned from this budget crisis is that available resources should be used to attract new businesses to Newton County. Although it is good for Social Circle, the fact that General Mills decided to locate a plant in Walton County that will employ a few hundred instead of in Newton County, is almost depressing.
Breathe easy
So far this year, we have had a very moderate spring as far as temperature goes.
But soon we will be in the sweltering heat and humidity of a Southern summer.
Most of us are fortunate enough to work in an air conditioned office or have an air conditioned home
It’s hard to believe that some of our neighbors don’t enjoy the same comforts.
The sad fact is some of our neighbors can’t even afford a fan to circulate the stifling air.
For our elderly neighbors lack of a fan can be deadly.
FaithWorks — a local non-profit — will, in conjunction with local churches for the fourth year, sponsor a fan collection drive.
Last year, 750 fans were collected; we would like to see this grow. Please check your garage or storage units for a fan not in use. When you do your local shopping, you can pick up a fan for under $20.
Call FaithWorks at (770) 784-1884 or visit for more information about this program and this valuable group.
Your donation will help one of your neighbors breathe better this summer and it will make you feel better too.