Dear Editor: Over the weekend I purchased the latest copy of The Covington News. As I was reading through an article by Mr. [Josh] Briggs. He was discussing the financial situation our schools have found themselves having to sort out. He made a statement that the schools did not need bookkeepers because they did not handle the money. My wife has been the book keeper at Eastside High since the day it opened the doors. She handles the money for portions of school bills and keeps up with moneys of all clubs and sports. She looks after all gate money from all sporting events and is present at more of these events than any one besides the principals and coaches. Most of this is handled after school hours and there is no supplement on her job. He also implied that our coaches are in their job just for the money. Understanding they have to make a living, these folks who do these jobs are dedicated to the school and the children they coach and mentor. The small amount of extra money for this does not begin to cover the extra time and effort they give. I think Mr. Briggs owes the bookkeepers in our school system an apology.
In my opinion freedom of the press comes with the responsibility of researching the facts to make sure the statements reported on are true.