My first question is has John Douglas ever done anything in office except talk about sex? Here are some cold hard facts. One year ago John Douglas and the school board member for District Two of Newton County talked about my running for the school board seat. It was printed in your newspaper. Citizens are tired about reading about sex in the newspaper just about every day.
The school board member (District Two, for eight years) was voted out of office. Mr. John Douglas was also voted out by the citizens of Newton County, but he got enough votes in other counties to keep him in office. The handwriting is on the wall for Mr. Douglas.
So, Douglas is all for letting citizens of our state run for office after their conviction time has been completed, including the 10-year wait time, every office but the school board.
Since the citizens of our county are unhappy with him, I have just about, but not really sure, to wait another year, (two altogether) and to run against him for our state Senate seat. So my question is, be truthful, has Sen. Douglas done anything while in office except run at the mouth about sex offenders.
I ask your readers to read the full story about me concerning the sex conviction that I pleaded guilty to. Chapter one and Chapter 29 are the most important. The Web site is htpp://