Newton County’s young professionals have a chance not only to network; not only to have an evening out on the golf course but also a chance to learn more about the county they work, live and play in.
The first meeting of the group, back in March, saw around 60 members of Newton County’s workforce community, all under 40, meet at Amici’s and hear an introductory address from chamber of commerce president Ralph Staffins. In April, the group gathered at Gran Prix of Atlanta go-kart track for a day of speeding around the track, and hearing about Newton County’s future from the economic development department.
This month’s meeting is Thursday at The Oaks Course, and will begin with a talk about the county’s government by Newton County Board member Nancy Schulz. The group will then participate in golf games guided by Oaks’ golf pro Gary Miller and have a chance to hit a bucket of range balls at a discount and play nine holes of golf.
“It’s fun and exciting for everybody, but we also have really great guest speakers,” said Serra Phillips of the Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce. “We’re excited (Schulz) agreed to do it. We can kind of pick her brain and hear what she feels is going on in the county.”
The young professionals group will meet at The Oaks from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Newton County residents under 40 are invited to check out the group. The cost to join is $40 per year for chamber members and $50 for non-members. Membership fees include a T-shirt, access to all monthly events and participation in the group’s service projects such as May’s project of working on the Miracle League Field and April’s project of working volunteering at the Cheerio’s Challenge. In July the group will help get Newton County’s school children back to school.