6 p.m. WORK SESSION - at Newton County Judicial Center Jury Impaneling Room
1. Newton County Firearms Ordinance - it's unclear exactly what will be reported tonight, but check out this article for a brief idea.
7 p.m. MEETING
General Administration:
a. Chairman’s Report
b. County Manager’s Report
c. Citizen Comments
I. Approval of BOC Minutes dated March 19, 2013
Reviewed Approval of ES Minutes dated March 19, 2013
Reviewed Approval of ES Minutes dated March 19, 2013
II. Proposals, Contracts, Resolutions
Unfinished Business:
15-25 HVAC Maintenance Program
New Business:
1. Senior Services: Appointment to Senior Services Board – District 5
2. Juvenile Court: Approval to apply for a Drug Court Grant
3. Juvenile Court: Approval to apply for Girl Steps Program DHS Grant
4. Nelson Heights Community Center
5. Sheriff’s Office: Purchase of a 2013 Chevrolet Police Tahoe
6. Sheriff’s Office: Declaration of Surplus Property
7. Public Works: Declaration of Surplus Property
8. N.C. Website Update
III. County Checks
General Fund: 84096-84496
Special Revenue Fund: 1724-1725
Drug Abuse Rehab: 1726
Juvenile Services: 2173-2179
Jail Fund: 622-624
E-911 Fund: 2479-2501
Grant Fund: 4097-4124
Fire Fund: 67931-67952
Capital Improvement: 2265
2005 SPLOST: 1153-1165
2011 SPLOST: 5335-5361
Water Fund: 13252-13308
Solid Waste: 7721-7768
Senior Services: 7615-7625
Gaither Plantation: 2670-2678