The Newton County Board of Commissioners (BOC) voted Tuesday night to rescind a RFQP #16-06A (Request for Qualifications and Proposals) from March 2016. The RFPQ solicited bids for solid waste service for the unincorporated parts of Newton County.
The move will end the current bidding process for a contract to provide solid waste services for the county. Included in the bid request was stipulation that required “Furnishing all materials and equipment and performing all labor necessary for the operation of a mandatory/volunteer curbside collection program…” The word “mandatory” in the document had been a point of contention for many citizens.
Commissioner Ronnie Cowan who proposed the move said the “rescission of the initial RFQPI eliminates the opportunity for that contract to be accepted. The RFQPI was initiated by the BOC last March therefore we have the authority to rescind the request.”
Commissioners Schulz, Sims, Edwards and Henderson spoke in favor of the move, which was unanimously approved. County attorney Megan Martin told commissioners that a new procurement process would need to be issued by the BOC prior to any future bids for solid waste service in the county.
The commission chamber erupted in applause after the vote.