The City of Porterdale is one of 78 Georgia communities who will receive a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Gov. Nathan deal announced.
The $500,000 will be used to improve sewer lines in the city.
“It supplements a package from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which includes a low interest loan and a $1.19m grant,” said Village Manager Bob Thomson “This additional funding allows us to upgrade much of the aging sewer lines North of the bridge.”
The CDBG money was awarded by the U.S. Department of House and Urban Development (HUD) and administered by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The program supports projects in small and rural communities that create jobs and assist low-to-moderate income residents.
At the Aug. 13 Work Session, Porterdale Village Engineer Marty Boyd reported that the proposed sewer work will be done in the area known as New Town, east of Main Street, with some work to be done on Hemlock and a little south of the river.
Boyd said almost every street in that area would be affected, but did not expect work to begin before the spring of 2016.
According to the CDBG, the 78 communities, including 66 counties, will or have received approximately $36.9 million for infrastructure improvements, neighborhood restoration projects and facilities that attend to citizens in need.