The tax millage rate for Porterdale will remain 17.910 for 2015, though revenues are expected to rise due to increased property values in the area.
“Any time a municipality experiences an increase in revenue, it has to be presented to the public as a tax increase,” City Manager Bob Thomson told the council at its regular meeting Aug. 3.
Thomson said later he expected revenues to increase by 32 percent, or $113,000, over last year's revenues of $275,491. The estimated revenues for 2015 are $383,600.
The third and final public hearing on the millage rate was held just prior to the final reading of the ordinance adopting the 17.910 rate. The ordinance was unanimously approved.
City Clerk Megan Reid said the mayor and council members from Post 1 and Post 2 would need to file qualifying forms so their names could be on the Nov. 3 ballot. The final date to qualify for the upcoming election is Sept. 4. Currently Arline Chapman is mayor, Anita Rainey is the council member representing Post 1 and Linda Finger the member representing Post 2.
The September city council meeting has been moved to Tuesday, Sept. 8, due to a conflict with the Labor Day holiday. The council meeting will be held in conjunction with the regularly scheduled council work session.