Georgia State University’s Newton Campus has leased the university’s ball fields to Peachtree Academy.
“Peachtree Academy is so proud to have formed a community-directed relationship with Georgia State, to allow the use of their baseball and softball facilities,” Skip Argo, Peachtree Academy’s assistant athletic director and baseball coach, said. “To say we are grateful would be a gross understatement.”
Peachtree Academy is a private, non-profit school and is accredited with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It has campuses in Conyers and Covington. The school was using the public Legion Field in Conyers prior to the agreement with Georgia State, Argo said.
The school’s varsity softball and baseball, junior varsity and middle school baseball teams already have been practicing on the fields.
“With limited campus space and a need to support our athletic programs, Peachtree Academy has sought relationships to field our teams,” Argo said. “We feel (the Georgia State Newton Campus facilities) can provide our school, parents and visiting teams a first-class baseball experience during the games and provide our teams with first-class facilities in which to train.
“For years we have utilized the Newton Campus as a dual enrollment partner in the education of our students,” he said. “This has been robust and a positive influence on our school family. The new relationship with Georgia State enhances this program even further.”
The feeling is mutual.
“We’re excited to have Peachtree Academy on the Newton Campus,” Cayla Roby, Georgia State’s facilities coordinator, said. “This is a great opportunity for us to continue to build community bonds. And we hope that it’s an opportunity for students to see what it’s like to be on a college campus—and hopefully matriculate to the Newton Campus.”
The team shares the same name as its new host—the Panthers.
Peachtree Academy will host games at the Newton Campus with the first game on Saturday, Feb. 4. Its season runs through May 6.
Because of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) rules, the former Georgia Perimeter College (GPC), which occupied the Newton Campus, discontinued its baseball and softball program when it was consolidated with Georgia State University in January 2016. Georgia State already has a baseball and softball program.
Maintenance of the fields is shared by Peachtree Academy and Georgia State. The school has leased the fields through May 6.