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Springfield Baptist Church donates $20,000 to the Newton County Boys & Girls Club
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CONYERS, Ga. - The Springfield Baptist Church donated $20,0000 to the newly established Boys & Girls Club of Newton County Sunday, Dec. 30, 2018. 

The check was presented to the Newton County Boys & Girls Club Advisory Committee: Officers: Michael Geoffroy, chair; Keith Curry, vice-chair; Jeff Benzon, treasurer; Board Members: Nita Thompson, Bob Furnad, Steve McWilliams, Betsy and Sandy Morehouse, Shakila Henderson-Baker, Nancy Schultz, Binford Bramblett, Amber Bennett, Tyrone Oliver, Roderich Sams and Kimberly Wilber. 

The Newton County Boys & Girls Club is scheduled to open Spring 2019 and will serve up to 100 teens. The Boys & Girls Club programs focus on three priority outcomes that include character and leadership development, academic success and healthy lifestyles. Research has shown that club members graduate from high school at a rate of 87 percent compared to the national average of 66 percent; and more than 57 percent of national club alumni surveyed, said the Club “saved their life”. 

Springfield Baptist Church was founded in 1879 in Newton County. Eric W. Lee, Sr., serves as Senior Pastor of Springfield. Its mission is to proclaim and explain the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

For information on the Newton County Boys & Girls Club, visit