Support for local businesses is a direct investment in our community. For every dollar we spend in Covington and Newton County, our investment's return becomes more and more beneficial to the community at-large.
Spending money locally not only contributes to the retail tax base, it strengthens local businesses owned by local residents, who then reinvest money in the community.
Road construction, infrastructure enhancements, new and refurbished sidewalks and other quality of life improvements are all made possible by local tax dollars - dollars that come directly from the sales taxes our local businesses collect.
The best way to make improvments to our county is to make a commitment to the overall economy of our county. Taking your money to other counties only benefits those counties. The next time you drive to Rockdale, Fulton or Cobb counties to shop think about the money you will spend there - then think about the things we need in Newton County.
Our county can only grow if we support our own.
We realize not all shopping and purchases can be made locally, but Covington and Newton County offers a great deal to shoppers of all products. Residents should make it a priority to shop locally as often as possible, whenever possible.
With the rising cost of transportation, shopping locally also make good economic sense. Shoppers who stay in Newton County burn less gasoline and spend less time traveling to and from home thus avoiding the headache of freeway and city traffic.
Take the time to find out what Newton County and Covington have to offer. Visit the Covington/Newton County Chamber of Commerce to get a list of businesses. We are sure you will find what you are looking for.